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How do lawyers’ fees work in personal injury claims?

One of the first things I’m asked is how do my fees work in personal injury cases. This is particularly important to people after an accident when they aren’t working and aren’t earning any income as a result of their accident.

All lawyers have different fee structures. Some lawyers ask for money up front. Some lawyers charge their hourly rate as the case goes, and you if don’t pay that hourly rate, they won’t work. Some lawyers work on a contingency basis.

Contrary to popular belief, contingency fees are legal in Ontario. A contingency fee agreement means that the lawyer will not ask you for any fees until your case settles. Once the case settles, your lawyer will take a percentage of the award to account for their fees. The lawyer takes a big risk in this sort of agreement because they risk not getting paid at all if they can’t recover anything for your case. But, this agreement is particularly good for the client and their family, because they don’t have to worry about paying their lawyer or funding the costs of the case until the case is resolved. Personal injury lawyers understand that it can be very difficult for accident victims to fund their cases; which is why many personal injury lawyers have embraced contingency fee agreements for their clients. This is very important, because it gives people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford the cost of a lawyer, access to the courts and access to justice.

Goldfinger Injury Lawyers takes many of its cases on a contingency fee basis; which means you don’t have to pay until your case settles. Brian Goldfinger is a Canadian trained lawyer who works exclusively on behalf of accident victims, disability claimants and their families. Call Brian for a free consultation today. 416-730-1777
This article is not meant to be relied on as legal advice, nor does it create a solicitor-client relationship.

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