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Finding value in Complicated Personal Injury Cases

Recently, Goldfinger Injury Lawyers received 2 very positive reviews from clients who we served.

Client #1: 5 Stars 100% I would recommend them! After contacting 7 different law firms in London, regarding my very complex injury, Brian accepted the challenge and took on my case! He was very easy to work with and always quick to respond! He got me the very best settlement he could have, and I am very grateful for his help. He was always very professional and explained everything in detail so that I would understand. I will definitely use him again if I ever require an injury lawyer!

Client #2 : 5 Stars From the first phone call to the settlement day both Brian and Natalia were always there for me to answer all my questions, to up date me on how the malfunction case is going and explained how everything is with cases like mine is going to be done. From September ‘22 is when Brian took my case to March 20th ‘23 when he send me the settlement documents, he worked fast and got me settlement amount that I’m very happy with! If you want to be part of a winning team at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers please don’t waste your time looking for another law firm, at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers they will get the job done the right way without wasting any of your time. Good lawyers, good caring people and very kind lawyer Mr. Goldfinger is! Thank you for everything you done for me!

Quite glowing reviews. But in all of the kind words, what struck me the most was the comment “after contacting 7 different law firms in London, regarding my very complex injury, Brian accepted the challenge and took on my case!”

No doubt this was a very complicated case, posing a plethora of complex legal issues. It was not straightforward at all. The case was high risk, but also high reward.

So, why was it that 7 other different law firms refused to take the case, yet Goldfinger Injury Lawyers accepted the challenge and got it settled?

There are a lot of very good, and very talented personal injury lawyers out there to choose from. But not all of them can see the value in cases which aren’t so straightforward. Many personal injury lawyers want easy, clear cut cases, which don’t pose a challenge. These are the cases which require less work, less research and can still bring back health gains both for the client, and in turn, for the personal injury lawyer and law firm.

I learned very quickly in my career even the most clear cut cases; are NOT clear cut and are NOT simple. Also, sometimes it’s not about the case at all. It’s about the people. Is the Plaintiff likeable? Is the Plaintiff sympathetic? Would a Judge or Jury side with the Plaintiff. Does the Plaintiff deserve compensation, or deserve his/her day in Court?

If you were a Judge, or you were on the Jury, would you buy the Plaintiff’s story? Would you as a Judge or a Juror want to compensate this person for his/her injuries and damages?

In some cases, regardless of the law, these are the questions which need to be asked of a personal injury lawyer. And, if the answers to these questions skew in favour of the Plaintiff getting compensated; then the personal injury lawyer needs to ask him/herself whether to not this complicated case can be a “win/win” proposition for both client and personal injury lawyer. If the answer is “yes“, then the personal injury lawyer ought to take on the case even though the odds may not be in their favour.

As with many untraditional personal injury case, you must take the “tentanda via” approach. This is a Latin phrase (and the motto of York University). It means that “the way must the tried“.

As with all personal injury cases, success is NEVER guaranteed. And just because you win one case, doesn’t mean that you will win the next case. But, this is not to say that you don’t try the path and see what’s down the road. You shake the tree and see what comes down. Sometimes, it rains money (a victory for the client). Other times, the case gets kicked out of Court on summary judgment and the Plaintiff loses. Nobody likes to loose, but, at the end of the day, the personal injury lawyer can hold his/her head high knowing that s/he tried and provided an invaluable service to his/her client by giving him/her their day in Court so to say. If the Judge didn’t like the case, there’s not much you can do about it but live to fight the next day.linkedin-2-300x300

But, if a personal injury lawyer develops this mindset and approach to his/her cases; and sees value where others don’t, it can prove to be beneficial both for the client and for the personal injury lawyer. That lawyer develops a reputation of taking on cases which others deem to be be too difficult or too complicated. That lawyer is able to put the risk aside, focus on what matters, and get outstanding results on behalf of his/her clients. Word of these victories travels fast, in a good way, and the good vibes snowball like an avalanche of positive energy.

Getting results on these tricky and complicated cases is very rewarding. It brings us so much pride and satisfaction when we are able to bring complex cases to a resolution, either inside or outside of Court. The feeling that so many other personal injury lawyers and law firms passed on the case; but we took the case on and succeeded is doubly wonderful because not only did we get the job done; but we found a result where other lawyers and law firms would not accept the challenge; so see value in a case which had merit.

Keep in mind that past results are not indicative of future results. But when you have a good approach to dealing with these complicated cases, you will bring satisfaction to your clients one way or another. Even in the losses, at the very least, there is the certainty and peace of mind that the way was tried. Tentanda Via. 

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