Articles Posted in Punitive Damages

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Clients always want to know what sort of damages they can claim in the long term disability case. As previously discussed in the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog, damages in a long term disabilty case can be limiting.

Unlike a car accident case, there is usually no wrong doer, or tort feasor for the allged long term disability giving rise to the claim. It’s not like a masked bad guy came in the middle of the night and whacked the Plaintiff with a baseball bat and caused them to suffer from fibromyaligia, depression, anxiety etc. Normally, the disability giving rise to the claim is an unfortunate health condition, which nobody would wish upon their worst enemy.

In these sort of instances, when there’s no “bad guy” we can poin the finger at; then there’s no claim for general damages, or pain and suffering damages as they’re commonly known.

The money from these long term disability claims comes from the value of back payments monthly LTD payments owing from the insurer, to the insured. If successful at trial, a Judge will likely re-instate monthly LTD benefits, such that the Plaintiff continues to get paid on a month to month basis.

But clients always want to know what other damages are available in these sort of cases. It’s a very good question, because monthly disability benefits are capped at the monthly disability amount, less any set off (CPP, WSIB, etc.). This can be limiting. But there is potentially more compensation available to a claimant, depending on the nature of their claim.
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