Articles Posted in Medical Marijuana

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Everyone here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers hopes that you had a safe holiday season, along with a Happy New Year. We also hope you’re doing your best to keep warm, as most parts of Ontario have experienced a deep winter freeze over the past month or so.

We kick off the first post of 2018 in the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog with an examination of medical marijuana for your personal injury or long term disability case.

We here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers are going out on a limb and declaring 2018 the year of pot/marijuana. As we get closer to July 1, 2018, we will hear more and more about the legalization of recreational marijuana. It may, or may not be legalized by that time. Justin Trudeau has given mixed signals on when recreational marijuana will be legalized; and the provinces are still working out how it will be dispensed. Ontario is leaning towards an LCBO style model. What model will work best has yet to be seen.

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