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Articles Posted in Damages


My car accident and Long Term Disability Claims are worth over a million dollars (Ontario)

If you asked any injured accident victim, or long term disability claimant how much they believed their case to be worth, you would get all sorts of varying ranges of damages. Most injured accident victims and disability claimants don’t understand how the law works. They also don’t understand how the…


How your Long Term Disability Benefits get reduced: The Set Off

Long Term Disability Plans are what they call in the insurance industry “living policies” or “living benefits“. You need to be alive in order to recover on going LTD Benefits. In their most basic form, these LTD policies are there to protect an insured person in the event of serious…


Getting Technical with Non Earner Benefits for Car Accident Cases in Ontario

When injured accident victims think about damages, they often think of those valuations in very linear terms; as if they’re on a straight line. Broken knee? $100,000 plus $150,000 loss of income = $250,000 Fractured wrist? $50,000 plus $25,000 loss of income = $75,000 These are very simple mathematical equations.…


Common Canada Day Injuries: How to play it safe (Ontario)

Happy Canada Day! It’s a time to celebrate our beautiful country, friends and family. For many, Canada Day will involve good food, good beverage, and participating in outdoor activities. In the days following Canada Day, our law firm often gets a number of calls and inquiries regarding injuries which took…


The Taxability of Lump Sum Long Term Disability Settlements (CRA Changes January 1, 2015)

Our law firm had a record number of Long Term Disability Claims settle in the last quarter of 2014. In particular, the last month of 2014 was a mediation bonanza for our lawyers when it came resolving long term disability (LTD) disputes. One of the things which we caution our…


How is pain and suffering measured in my personal injury case (Ontario)

The first thing which comes to mind when thinking about compensation for personal injury law cases is that they’re all about pain and suffering, or general damages as they’re known. People who focus on in this area know that damages for pain and suffering are significant, but they aren’t the…


How to place a dollar figure on your Long Term Disability Claim: The Mediation Process Explained

Our law firm sees some very seriously injured accident victims and disability claimants. Many of our long term disability clients who have cases against large multi national insurers such as Manulife, SunLife, Great West Life, Standard Life, Desjardins, Industrial Alliance, SSQ, Equitable Life etc; want to know how an insurer…

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