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Articles Posted in Mediation


Virtual Personal Injury Litigation has Changed the Game

Marshall McCluhan coined the term “the medium is the message“. This means in plain terms, without introducing a PHD thesis on the issue, that chosen method of communication to broadcast a message has a significant impact on how the message is received and understood. It’s almost to say that the…


Computer & TV Skills Increasingly Important For Lawyers During COVID

12 weeks or so and counting of “lockdown” or “kinda quarantine” depending on who you ask. It’s been difficult for everyone. From doctors, to dentists, to lawyers, to tennis pros, teachers, PSWs, general labourers, hospitality staff; you name it. The only people I know who are succeeding, if you can…


How does mediation work in personal injury cases?

Mediation is mandatory in any civil case commenced in Toronto, Ottawa or Windsor. There are mandatory mediation requirements under the Rules of Civil Procedure. Mediation is also mandatory in car accident cases, but not many save for lawyers and insurance adjusters know that it is. Buried deep inside the Insurance…


De-Mystifying Mediation in your Personal Injury or Long Term Disability Case (Ontario)

99% of personal injury cases settle without going to trial. Between the time a notice of the claim is given, right up to the commencement of trial, there are many opportunities for your personal injury lawyer, the insurance lawyer, and the insurance adjuster to settle your case. One of those…


Mediating a personal injury case: What to expect if you’re the injured party (Ontario)

Mediation is a popular tool used by lawyers to settle personal injury cases in Ontario. In some jurisdictions (Toronto, Windsor and Ottawa) mediating a personal injury case is mandatory before it can proceed to trial. The Insurance Act also contains provisions requiring mediation for an accident benefit dispute in Ontario.…

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