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Articles Posted in Fibromyalgia


Getting your Long Term Disability Claim for Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Depression Approved

Chronic pain, fibromyalgia and depression are invisible. That means that they don’t show up on any x-ray, CT Scan, MRI or other diagnostic test. It also means that nobody would know that you are suffering from chronic pain, fibromyalgia or depression simply by just looking at you. It also means…


What do Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Depression all have in common?

A lot of the clients at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers suffer from Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Depression. It’s not easy because nobody seems to understand these conditions. More on that later. We have expertise in handling chronic pain, fibromyalgia and depression cases which present in a variety of forms such as…


Fibromyalgia Claims

Fibromyalgia is a serious disorder characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, depression, memory loss and other symptoms which vary from person to person. Some doctors believe in fibromyalgia. Some doctors don’t. The same way that some doctors believe that fibromyalgia exists and is a very real and debilitating condition; and other…


Brian Goldfinger on getting “mathed out” of a Long Term Disability Claim

The personal injury lawyers here at my law firm, Goldfinger Injury Lawyers have developed a unique term for certain long term disability cases. We call it getting “mathed out“. What does it mean to get “mathed out“? It means that the math is working against you to defeat your claim,…


Long Term Disability Claims: Because getting cut off is hard to do (Ontario)

My law firm handles a lot of long term disability claims. These are cases whereby large insurance companies like Great West Life, Sun Life, Manulife, Canada Life, Industrial Alliance, Desjardins Insurance, La Capitale Insurance, RBC Insurance, Co-Operators Insurance etc. cut off, cease to pay or terminate one’s long term disability…


Long Term Disability Tips from Brian Goldfinger for Teachers & Postal Workers (Ontario)

In the final instalment of a four-part series on long-term disability insurance, Toronto personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger discusses some of the unique issues that surface in LTD claims filed by educators and postal workers. Toronto personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger refutes any perception that teachers and postal workers have…


Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Jury Cases in Ontario

For the 1% of personal injury cases which go to trial, the majority of those cases are tried by a Judge with a Jury. Insurance companies automatically file Jury Notices to accompany their Statements of Defence because they know that jurors don’t like sitting through long personal injury cases. A…


How Long Term Disability Cases work in a Nutshell (Ontario)

Last week’s entry of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog entitled “How Ontario Car Accident Cases and Pain and Suffering awards work in a Nutshell“ received resounding positive feedback from our readers. They appreciated how complicated legal terms and concepts were broken down in easy to understand English. This is something…


Long Term Disability Claims & Fibromyalgia: Facts, Fiction & Fairness (Ontario)

Goldfinger Injury Lawyers has assisted countless long term disability clients with their denied LTD claims against large insurers in fibromyalgia, chronic pain and depression cases. If you are reading this installment of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post, you likely have some questions about fibromyalgia, chronic pain, or Long Term…


Tips on getting your Long Term Disability Claim approved (Ontario)

Our law firm often gets calls from soon to be Long Term Disability claimants asking our lawyers to fill out their forms. We realize that the LTD application forms can be overwhelming, complex, with some hard to answer questions. Not all questions can be answered in a “yes/no” fashion. Filling…

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