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Articles Posted in Brain Injury


Concussion talk with Personal Injury Lawyer Brian Goldfinger (Ontario)

Many people don’t understand what concussions are, and how serious they can be. There are common misconceptions about concussions which need to be discussed. The purpose of this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog post from Brian Goldfinger is to better understand what concussions are, how they arise, how to deal with…


Getting to know your Rehab Team following a serious accident in Ontario (Part 1)

This is Part 1, of our 2 part series on getting to know your Rehab Team following a serious accident in Ontario. We have to do this feature in two parts on account of its length and we didn’t want to miss anybody. The second part will be released next…


The highest profile slip and fall claim you’ve ever seen: Eugenie Bouchard vs. USTA

Eugenie Bouchard is the greatest female tennis player in Canadian history. She has made international headlines for her amazing tennis skills. But these days, her press isn’t about success on the tennis court. Rather, it’s about her battling her head injury and concussion symptoms off the court. Those symptoms have…


Here comes the sun? Top 5 Bike Safety Tips from Goldfinger Personal Injury Law

I was at our Peterborough Office at 380 Armour Rd in the East City today. En-route, it began to snow. Like real, hard core snow. Confession: I had my snow tires removed 3 weeks ago. With temperatures below freezing in Peterborough and the Kawarthas, I could have benefited from keeping…


What happens when a lawyer says something bad to an Ontario Jury: the case of the dismissed Jury

99% of all car accident and injury cases settle out of Court. 1% (or less) of car accident and injury cases do in fact go to trial. Civil Trials happen in 2 ways in Ontario. They’re either Judge alone; or, they’re Judge and Jury trials. I just read a very…


What is “dooring” and why is it a big deal for accident lawyers?

Cycling is cool. It’s not expensive. It’s fast. It’s healthy. You don’t need a license or insurance to ride. It’s better for the environment. It’s “on trend” in today’s global urban market. And if you’re smart, you can accessorize with a flashy (yet safe) helmet and make all of your…


An example of what NOT to do once your accident case has begun

Johnny Careless was an interesting fellow. To say that he went against the grain is an under statement. Johnny rode his bike without a helmet. He drove his car without wearing a seat belt. He crossed busy intersections against red lights and don’t walk signals. He texted while driving. He…


You snooze…you lose: How waiting too long can destroy your accident case

I had tell 3 different people today that our law firm couldn’t help them. I hate telling people that we can’t help, but it happens sometimes. The reason we couldn’t help was the same in each case. Every single caller; all from different parts of Ontario, had been involved in…

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