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Articles Posted in Access to Justice


Brian Goldfinger on Civil Justice Reform

Earlier this week Chief Justice Morawetz gave his address at the traditional “Opening of the Courts” for Ontario.  Calling it the “Opening of the Courts” is likely very confusing for the general public. To be clear, the Courts were not “closed” before that time. But every year around this time…


Downtown can be difficult for personal injury clients

When most people think about lawyers, they think about fancy offices, fancy suits, and very expensive hourly rates. It can all be very intimidating. When I first started practicing law, I worked in the downtown Toronto core on Bay Street. Bay Street is synonymous with big banks, big finance and…


Personal Injury Trends: Pandemic Edition (Ontario)

Lock Down Life has been no fun for anyone. Regardless of your socio-economic background, political views, or religious beliefs, this Pandemic has been difficult for everyone for so many reasons. Unless that is if you’re a high profile cabinet minister taking some time off for a vacation to St. Bart’s.…

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